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Catch Up

It's been a productive year so far. I've released three singles, “Tethered to the Hidebound” (Feb 16), “Envy” (May 30) and most recently “Shunyata” (June 20). I've been putting live performances on the back-burner for the time-being focusing instead on…

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Soma By Drone

The response to my most recent song, Soma By Drone, has been fantastic and very humbling. Simply put, it's a song about escaping, but like many of my songs it has ‘layers’ in terms of what the lyrics drive at…

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Kind Twist Of Fate

According to my research, streaming algorithms crave 45-second guitar solos. Who am I to argue? 

The gravest mistakes and the cruellest heartbreaks are often a kind twist of fate in disguise. Keep your chin up and your eyes forward. Listen/download

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Hooray for dystopian art-rock!

My latest single, ‘Robots on Mute’, was released today. I'm super proud of it, and I hope you can hear the progress I'm making not only in my songwriting, but also my production/mixing/mastering and what have you. I have my…

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